A New Attitude

Anytime you are carrying unwanted extra pounds, most people begin looking for ways to lose weight.  The struggle to lose weight is a complex challenge that includes physical, emotional, and psychological aspects.  Winning the battle with your weight loss or gain, one must confront all challenges with a new attitude, “I will win.”  The fact, if you have tried to lose or gain weight on your own and have not been successful, you simply need to use the skills of a well-trained professional who is knowledgeable in this area. 

http://hqhblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/1-vs-group.jpgA Wellness coach (WC) is the person you will need in your corner to help you confront all of these challenges.  A WC, can help you design a meal plan as well as develop an exercise plan that will yield solid lasting results.  He or she will provide you with the motivation and support you will need to succeed on a daily basis.

Many people may think a change in lifestyle is a personal issue, so they make the mistake of not involving anyone.  The truth, with the right kind of support one will reach  their weight management goals more quickly.  Choose people who are helpful, positive, and supportive.  A great support team will consist of those mentioned.

Choose your team now!  Drafting the people, who you want to support your goals throughout the entire transformation.   The best time to get support is before you will begin your program.  Having a great support team will make a world of difference in achieving your goals.  The purpose of your team, is to help you with your decision to change.  They need push you through the hard days as well as encourage to just keep going.  Most importantly believe in yourself.


Here are some tips to draft a great TEAM:

  • Write down your specific success goals “just don’t think it, ink it!”
  • Draft dependable People, who love and support you no matter what (Teachers, your pastor, good friends, siblings, co-workers, etc).
  • A workout buddy (motivate each other)
  • Make a decision to work with a wellness professional (positive support)
  • Have fun (BE HAPPY and FEEL GOOD!)

Losing weight, gaining weight or maintaining your ideal weight depends on the amount of calories you take in and use up during the day, otherwise referred to as energy balance.  Learning how to balance energy intake (calories in food) with energy output (calories expended through physical activity) will help you achieve your desired weight.

Each pound of fat your body stores represents 3,500 calories of unused energy.  In order, to lose one pound, you would have to create a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories by either taking in 3,5000 less calories over a period of time (than you need) or burning 3,500 calories worth of vigorous exercise.  It is recommended that no more than two pounds (7,000 calories) be lost per week for solid lasting results.


A balanced diet should be colorful as well as part of any weight management plan.  A diet high in complex carbohydrates (legumes,vegetables, pasta, and whole wheat grain bread) should supply about half the calories in your diet.   Also, moderate protein (tuna, oatmeal, black beans, and soy any form) and good fat (Omega-3, nuts unsalted, avocado, and olive oil)  will complement an exercise program.

People who exercise appropriately increase lean body mass while decreasing their overall fat level.  Depending on the amount of fat loss, this can result in a loss of inches without a loss of weight, since muscle weighs more than fat.  However, with the proper combination of diet and exercise, both body fat and overall weight can be reduced.  Exercise is associated with the loss of body fat in both obese and normal ideal weight persons.  A regular program of exercise is an important component of any plan to help individuals lose, gain,  or maintain their ideal weight.


Although any kind of physical movement requires energy (calories), the type of exercise that uses the most energy is aerobic exercise.  The term “aerobic” is derived from the Greek word meaning “with oxygen.”

Popular forms of Aerobic exercise include:

  • Jogging
  • Brisk walking
  • swimming
  • Biking
  • Cross-country skiing
  • Aerobic dancing

Aerobic exercises use the body’s large muscle groups in continuous, rhythmic, sustained movement and require oxygen for the production of energy.  In addition to the aerobic exercise, supplement your program with muscle strengthening and stretching exercises.  The stronger the your muscles, the longer you will be able to keep going during aerobic activity, and less chance of injury.

A final thought, losing, gaining, or maintaining weight should be simple, only challenging yourself to be better.  Give yourself the complete arsenal of tools you will need to lose those unwanted pounds and get the body healthy again by making a decision to work with a wellness coach.  The decision to work with such a professional will be the pivotal point in helping you succeed with your future goals.

We Thank you. Your friends at GFR.


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